Releasing Mental Clutter

Hello friends!  As you may have guessed by now, this is a summer of going deep into the questions of how clutter “clutters” our physical, emotional and mental space!

So today I want to continue the query and talk with you about how mental clutter affects your choices and your wellbeing. Do you remember that poem we all had to learn in high school, INVICTUS?  It was about courage to continue through thick and thin because …”I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul”



Out of the night that covers me,

     Black as the pit from pole to pole,
 I thank whatever gods may be

      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

      I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

      Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

      How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.

I think high school teachers were always going for shock value, but this seeds my point that we do have choice in life.  Particularly, we have the choice to direct our own experience to favor clarity and success in our actions.  We are not blown from pillar to post.

Of course, in those sleepless, turning moments in the middle of the night it sometimes doesn’t feel that way.  Our minds are cluttered with worry, frustration, resentment even.  I don’t know any client of mine who doesn’t have some of this sometimes.  I actually define my work “body mind balance” to be the ability to heal from the past and come fully present with ourselves, so that we can gently AND WITH COMPASSION begin to unwind those thoughts, beliefs, and stories we tell ourselves over and over again, that keep us stuck and spinning our wheels.  NOT accomplishing that which would otherwise release us from confusion and overwhelm.

Before I continue, I would like to invite you to my class this FRIDAY at 12:00 EDT/9:00 am PDT, to go more deeply into this material.  Even if you feel that you are %100 on track with your goals for the coming year and your mental clutter-clearing skills are exemplary, you might get some little golden nouget or AHa about how you go about your days that could bring even more harmony and magic into your life…  

You can save this email and click on this link at 12:00 August 25, and of course I will send a follow up reminder email on Friday morning!

“Clearing Your Mental Clutter To Find Your True North Star”


Sometimes I think we plan our lives relying on thought alone, and then become incredibly bogged down with what thought alone does to us…in other words, takes us down rabbit holes.  We may start with a constructive thought that aligns with our intentions and creative expression, but then it soon gets derailed into thoughts about the future; having worry and anxiety about the “how”, or thoughts about the past; re-remembering and embellishing facts that make us fall into a pit of regret, resentment, or at least telling ourselves the “story” for the millionth time while actually believing ourselves!  This distortion is the root cause of your suffering…

All life decisions require clarity, planning and choice. But we will not get there with thought alone. The problem I see, is that we try to get there with thought alone, and things get so very cumbersome once the thoughts start to take over our peace of mind.

You see, thought is very connected with Beliefs, especially our limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are the stories you have told yourself over and over about how things are; “My mother neglected me, my father was a bully, I have to work hard for my money and even then, I barely scrape by…” These are thoughts, usually recurring, and SOMETIMES true!

It’s true that I believe I have to work hard for my money, however, I had that belief when I was making $18,000 a year, and I STILL have that belief while making a lot more than that! So what changed? I changed my thoughts about the idea of money! I did a lot of inner work about my family history of scarcity (you know the potato famine in Ireland and the Great Depression, which I inherited energetically and psychologically DIRECTLY). I even got a Coach Certification in Money Breakthrough Method, which I am proud to say I have taken many clients through…(you can find that program in my SHOP at

What I am suggesting is that we do some very deep, inner work on our BELIEFS first, so that we can change them, and watch how our thinking changes too. I am a firm believer in the Law Of Attraction, and other very potent Universal Laws, like the Law of Circulation and the Law of Karma…as we align with our soul’s desires to transcend the psychological and energetic pathways that always lead us to fatigue, failure and despair, we can start to really listen to our bodies, to our intuition, to our inner guidance that is always trying to give us clues about where to go, what to do, who to meet.

Here is a beautiful Alchemical Prayer you can say to begin:

“God, (Universe) please send me all the things I need today, even those I don’t even know are possible.”

This prayer is meant to shift the energy. It is a surrender into trust about what is possible, what can open our eyes, help us see things differently, turn a corner on something that has kept us stuck and feeling defeated. It is unblocking and opening new pathways for yourself and your loved ones. It is the tool for getting clear about HOW you might be re-creating the same scenarios over and over without realizing it. It is what can lead you to uncovering a more soul-aligned path for yourself, bringing forward your voice, your creative self expression, and your “Dharma”. Dharma is a sanskrit word whose definition is broader than your “work”, it is your soul’s calling and the joyful and successful embodiment of your life purpose and dreams and desires.

Let’s begin this new season with some gentle introspection and get more relaxed, more productive and more clear by releasing some of the weight of what no longer serves us! Be sure to bring paper and pen to the Workshop so you can literally cross some old stuff off your list!

To Your Expansion,




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