What a question, right?  I ask this question because it is a focal point for your vibrational set point, your general energy level.

It also has to do with where your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and ability to take “Directed Action” lies.  

The first moment I regain consciousness in the morning, I try to remember to say the “Moda Ani” prayer, which is a spiritual prayer of gratitude that God has restored my soul into my body for one more day…I make the connection that I am not here on my own, but that there is a “Mysterium Tremendum” that orchestrates all of the aspects of health and well being within me.

And guess what?  We don’t even have to plan or remember anything…cells are nourished, blood is pumping; it is all happening very mysteriously to keep us alive!

What if nothing is as it seems, where wealth, alchemy, and kinetic energy are all swirling around to Co-Create frequencies of success and pure awareness in action?  Where who we are at the Divine level is the very purpose of why we are here on this Earth at this time, at the shifting of the ages.

These times have been prophesied by virtually all cultures around the world, It has been called the “Shift of the Ages” by many, where the signs are ones of great chaos and suffering BEFORE a new golden age.  I like to think like this, because there is so much polarity right now; so much suffering on so many levels, where our core seems to be moving and slipping…

How about for you?  Have you been feeling particularly unsettled lately? Have you been feeling disconnected?  If not, we need you more than ever to be a pillar of light in the darkness.  There is a DOORWAY to pure awareness that might take you down a road of greater peace and certainty in these troubled times.  If that is you, amazing.  

Here are a few ways to bring Heaven to Earth right now, where you can be the beacon we all desperately need:

  1. Shift your frequency to “Love or Above”  (I heard that a while back from a spiritual teacher who taught that when you are in the frequency of Love, you are vibrating at 532 Hz or more, and can bring balance to thousands of troubled souls just by your energy…)
  2. Heal and Activate yourself first, and give from your overflow.  Take the time to do all of the self healing and self care you need; breathe fully, drink plenty of water, change your diet if necessary to keep yourself in optimal health.
  3. Move your body regularly and walk in nature to remember that you are carried in a vast and beautiful Universe and can receive the gifts of life in holistic ways.
  4. Take some time to meditate and bring yourself into the Greater Field of Presence and Awareness.  Really work with the energies of the Greater Self to unburden from the need to push and be right.  Let go and surrender to the Greater Field of Life and awareness.

Please respond to this email if anything I have said rings true for you, and if you want some guidance, know that I am here for you.

Sending love and gratitude for all that you are!





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