Are Your Deepest Fears Showing Up Just as You are Ready to Create Something New?

I am excited to bring you an interview I did with Kim Van De Sande recently, but first I want to talk about our “shadows”, because a little bit of procrastination is happening for me, and I see it’s sneaky pattern of trying to take me out right as the New Season is getting underway!  

Kim and I talked about “surrender” in my interview, among other very beautiful matters of the heart, and I really hope that you can take the time to watch this half hour interview.  I think surrender is really a key to change that opens the gate of the the heart to possibility in a way that our personalities can get caught, if we don’t catch the limiting beliefs in time. 

Carl Jung, the preeminent 20th Century psychology wizard, was famous for helping people flesh out the Archetypal energies that overwhelm us, and he had a way, through talk and dream therapy, of generating very creative ways of resolving some of those fears that keep us stuck and spinning our wheels over and over again.

This is Shadow Work!

One shadow energy that has been coming up for me, is what I call “compare and despair”.  This is the very humbling human tendency to compare ourselves especially to those out there who are visibly in their mastery and leadership.

It is a double-edged sword because you can really learn so much from these leaders, who clearly have contributed to your learning and growth, but the shadow shows its ugly face by saying “What about me?  What have I done? Maybe I just shouldn’t even bother.”  This is the “I’m not good enough” mindset, which can be very damaging both to self image and to your ability to move forward and get things done.

We are in that change of season right now, where the cool air is coming and sweeping away the heat of summer and also invigorating our plans and creative output.  But if there is the shadow energy working, well, good luck with that! Try to see it for what it is; the ego mind trying to take you out.   Procrastination sets in, and the painful cost of not getting traction on your projects and dreams; letting precious time go by and NOT creating a vessel for your projects. Caught in the chaos of indecision or what others might think, you fall backwards and see your vision spilling out of your hands…

I announced last month that I have completed my Coach Training for ICF (International Coach Federation), and that I am now taking clients!

I have opened up 3 spots for Private 1:1 Coaching this month, and I would like to invite you to consider taking one of them.  You can do a 3-Session Intensive with me, or a longer 8-Session Immersion.  These sessions are Custom Designed by You, to work with whatever Shadow energies that have been popping up for you; a combination of Energetic Healing, Coaching, and Mindset work, where we can also generate tools and strategies to really get things done!!  Go HERE to set up a Clarity Breakthrough Call with me, and see if we are a good fit to work together.



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