I Know You…

You are intuitive, sensitive, and you see things others don’t see.

You believe in the Universal Laws of Attraction and Abundance, BUT…

Even with all of the awareness, patience, and compassion you feel for others, something is off.

You have been feeling restless lately, maybe even hopeless, like you just don’t fit any longer in the life you have been leading until now. You feel discouraged or disconnected too.

So what do you fear? That you won’t ever do the work of your heart, that you will never truly step into your leadership?
That you would lose money, love, sovereignty, trust?

I have felt that way.. 

I knew I was meant for so much more, but I hadn’t yet found a way to reach my own health goals, let alone my North Star…

You don’t have to live “lukewarm” or disconnected  from your true passion, beauty and feminine power.

You can move forward quickly, but you have to be ready and willing to find your inner compass and courage.

Do you know what is stopping you?

Are you allowing other people’s agendas to rule your days?


Life loses its excitement, its inspiration, its CREATIVITY

you are not functioning within our own unique soul expression.

Don’t get to the end of your life with your song still in you! You are talented and creative, and THIS is what we can call forward!

Don’t you think it’s time to BOLDLY CLAIM the beautiful expression of your SOUL’S CALLING?


Where you start matters. You can hold a higher vibration and energy for your life

in exactly the way that your unique talents LEAD you. 
AND…you don’t have to do this alone. Let’s embark on this journey together

with you excavating your next version of BRILLIANT!
There is no magic bullet, but there is a beautiful path that can open out in front of you NOW if you choose to take up the mantel. 
This path will lead you home to yourself. 
Do you have the desire? 
That is all you need. 
The rest is a process of elevating your mindset and your determination , and knowing that you have what it takes to clear your blocks and fulfill your life visions and dreams NOW.

Healing Into Abundance is a safe place to unleash your own future. 

Client Testimonials

It is my honor and privilege to guide you on your next doorway to the self.  I give you my utmost care are 30+ years of experience in the
Body Mind field. Here are some of what my clients have said about working with me:

“What a fabulous resource ! I love the blend of Diane’s gentle coaching, practical tools, and wonderful exercises and activities and spiritual perspectives. She takes her depth of wisdom and experience and brings it together in a very engaging way, giving her clients hope and a beautiful path to follow.”

Therese Skelly

Money and Mindset Coach

“The guidance I received from Diane comes from such an authentic, natural place.  She is powerfully intuitive and uses her gifts with a gentle, positive energy.  Diane’s unique way of sharing her wisdom is exceptional, and she has led me with grace and compassion every step of the way.  I have tapped into a deep place of knowing that I am on my path to realizing my dreams, and I am forever grateful.”

Debra Fisher

MBA and Certified Chopra Instructor

It is rare that a Coach brings forward such a holistic set of tools and perspectives. I feel gratitude every day that I found Transformational Life Coaching, because it allows me to explore my whole being; body, mind, and spirit without apology and without any need to excuse myself or explain myself. Diane holds a container for me to heal, to expand, and to be free to dream and become the person I always knew myself to be.”

Rosemary Topar

Violin Performance Artist

Get Your FREE Gift! Coming into Presence.

About us

Committed To Your Success:

Hi, I’m Diane L. Sussman, and I am passionate about your personal Transformation and Success.

With over 35 years as a Teacher, Certified Transformational Life Coach and Alexander Technique practitioner,I bring the best of my Healing and Spiritual Teaching Practices directly to you.

I am fiercely committed to your happiness and success in life and business, and I offer a unique and powerful, holistic SOUL-ALIGNED path to your next vision for your life.

These are powerful times we are living in, so coming home to yourself acts like a divining rod to open you to your highest good.

Professional Life Coach and Embodiment Mentor

Heart Wisdom Coaching with Diane L. Sussman is a safe and intimate place to explore the energy of your Creativity, Self Expression, Leadership, Personal Courage to dive into the “as yet unknown possibilities” and consciously open to Love, Joy, and Celebration of your True Self. Apply for a Clarity Breakthrough Session with Diane  HERE!